Thomas’s Client Journey

“After high school I struggled finding a gym I really liked. I would go from gym to gym and wouldn’t really click with any of them. After awhile, my health began to suffer and I knew I needed to find a good gym.” Thomas

We have been lucky enough to guide Thomas over the last year. He’s been in our personal training program, working one on one with Coach Gage 2-3 days a week. The accountability of having a friend and coach lead his program has led to continued success. 

“Fort Worth Strong has not only helped me lose weight, but find confidence in working out. Every time I leave the gym I feel on top of the world (until I start studying) haha!”

Most people struggle finding LASTING success when it comes to their health and fitness. So we provide a coach, plan and community of support to each client, to guide them to strength, health and happiness. 

“The reason I fell in love with Fort Worth Strong isn’t because they helped me achieve my goals of weight loss and muscle gain, although that is a huge part. The comradery in the gym made me really love it. At other gyms, coaches are not always there to form relationships, but at Fort Worth Strong the coaches value interaction and growth in that sense.”

It’s bigger than sets and reps. We are invested in the well-being of our tribe. That progress can be measured in many ways and we think it should be measured often and celebrated! 

We asked Thomas what he’s working towards now? Growth is an ongoing pursuit.

“Right now I have just hit my PR of 305 lbs. on squat and now I hope to improve my bench press. Overall I hope to continue to become the best version of myself!”

Thank you Thomas for leading the way for others. Keep setting an example for your peers and everyone up at the gym pulling for your success.


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