Lauren’s Client Journey

Lauren joined the community last August. She has made a great effort to get back into a consistent and sustainable workout routine. 

Prior to finding Fort Worth Strong, she struggled with sticking to a plan. She worked out at home with videos. She worked out at the office gym sporadically, but it never lasted more than a few months at a time. 

After some reflection she realized that when she was in the best shape of her life, she was doing group workouts with a team. FTW Strong provided the coach, team, positivity, fun atmosphere, and a judgment free zone to fail as much as she needed to find those wins.

Lauren has since gained better mobility and flexibility. When she joined her ankles and hips were extremely limited, which made some of the movements difficult! She is continuing to see improvements every week! 

Now that she is more comfortable with her form, she is excited to start pushing herself more on strength days to keep setting personal bests. She also has hopes of continuing to gain more confidence to compete in the future!

At the gym, Coach Gage and Coach Hight are great supporters of Lauren. They remember key areas she has worked on and are always there to encourage her to work harder and challenge her in her workouts. 

Which is Lauren’s favorite part about working out at Fort Worth Strong, she really thrives with the support system in addition to the coaches. Her husband is a big help outside of the gym, helping with pointers about form and workouts.

"Success is the total sum of failures and wins over time, and when I stopped being so hard on myself for the failures, the wins came naturally.” She was frustrated a few months in, because she was struggling to find consistency and not seeing the results she wanted. Her advice for potential newcomers would be to "give yourself grace.” 

“Success is the total sum of failures and wins over time, and when I stopped being so hard on myself for the failures, the wins came naturally.”

Lauren S.

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